Ah Ni (starring CHAN Kwok Kwan), 12-year-old boy, has to take care of his blinded dad (starring Dominic LAM). He is always being bullied by squad when selling souvenir fluorescent sticks on the street for living. It was tragedy that Ah Ni’s father got his eye blinded because of a friend – Uncle Hing. Since then, he tried to hide and have his peaceful life with Ah Ni. Years later, two brothers meet again. Uncle Hing now is a teacher of a boxing studio and he promised to teach Ah Ni well. Ah Ni is a helpful person. He will help and fight back every time someone has encountered bullying. Under Uncle Hing’s training, his fist becomes faster, more ambiguous and more accurate.Indeed, the boxing studio is not running as good as before. They don’t have money to maintain it. Ah Ni and his friend Piggy (starring NGO Ka Nin) wish to find a way to make underground fighting in earning money. Still, it’s not good enough when compared to a job in the slaughterhouse.One day, Piggy discovered a group of people from another boxing studio has used pigs to smuggle drugs. The boss first convinced Piggy involved in the event for money. In order to prove his contribution valued to the boxing studio, Piggy agreed to help. In reverse, the boss has set up a trap and beats Piggy almost to death.To save Piggy, Ah Ni has decided to accept the final battle in the downfall. Could Ah Ni finally be the champion and save Piggy’s life?
十二岁的阿牛 (陈国坤饰) 性格抱打不平, 为要照顾爸爸(林嘉华饰),在街上卖荧光棒, 却被一班惡霸欺负, 自始誓要学武强身。牛爸为救好友兴叔而弄得双眼接近失明后, 便人间蒸发。却因阿牛意外拜兴叔为师而兄弟重逢, 兴叔教阿牛习武以报答牛爸的救命之恩。 渐渐拳馆的声望大不如前, 收入不足以维持生计。兴叔儿子马仔 (敖嘉年饰) 提议阿牛偷偷打黑拳来维持拳馆生计, 却误打误撞害威爷输了很多钱。 马仔被迫为威爷手下做事还钱, 后因故破坏了交易, 被威爷儿子权少 (刘峻纬饰) 教训后, 已不能再打拳了。 阿牛为马仔讨回公道,决定在擂台上与权少决一死战, 阿牛最终能否以皇者姿态登上擂台对战呢?