Shanghai, the present day. In the city’s backstreets is a small, Japanese-style cafe/bar – serving home-cooked Chinese food – that is owned and run by one man (Liang Jiahui). The eaterie opens at midnight and closes at dawn. One of the regulars is Lian (Jin Yanling), a fishmonger, who pretends to get drunk on baijiu and is always arguing with her grown son Kaiyuan (Yang Youning) who, inspired by his best friend, boxer Wang Hu (Jin Shijia), is training for his first match. Meanwhile, Kaiyuan has fallen for a nurse, Mingyue (Liu Tao), who has a crippled young daughter (Zhang Hailing). A new customer is aromatherapist Xiaomei (Zheng Xinyi), who wants to lose weight as her dream man from high-school days, Tai (Chen Jianzhou), is coming to Shanghai and she finally hopes to find out what his feeling are for her. Along with the avuncular Zhong (Feng Cuifan), a retired tailor, the most frequent regular is Long (Zhang Li), an orphan who grew up with the owner’s family and is almost like a younger brother; though generally quiet, Long does, however, have a temper that can erupt suddenly. One day Xiaoxue (Jiao Junyan), a young singer-songwriter who’s returned from living in Canada, walks in and is given a free meal by the owner, who listens to her story. On another occasion in the eaterie she by chance meets a record producer (Deng Chao), who gives her a big break. After an absence of two years Zhang Sisi (Zhang Yishang) returns to the eaterie and has her favourite snack, a plain omelette. She’d originally come to Shanghai from Hunan province with childhood friend Tang Song (Wei Chen); he’d worked as a taxi driver while she pursued her dream of being a model, but their different ambitions had split them apart. Between cooking his customers their favourite snacks, the eaterie’s owner listens to all their various stories with a philosophical detachment.
在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,老板是一位50岁左右的大叔(梁家辉饰),他会为每个到访的食客做一份只属于他的食物。生活在弄堂里的钟伯(冯淬帆饰)和阿龙(张立饰)都是食堂的常客,每当夜幕降临,这座繁华都市中便有各色孤单灵魂在此相遇。广告公司的加班三人组便是这般偶然登场,被美食洗去满身疲劳的同时,也邂逅了更多身怀故事的朋友,夜班出租车司机唐宋(魏晨饰)即是其中之一。唐宋是在接醉酒的音乐人阿信(邓超饰)时发现了食堂的存在,从此他就会在清晨带青梅竹马的思思(张艺上饰)来吃家乡的蛋饼。但是唐宋渴望安逸的生活,思思却有梦想要追寻。在机会繁多的大城市中,两个年轻人的结局会像蛋饼一样圆满吗? 很多人在深夜食堂相遇、相知,也学会成长。小美(郑欣宜饰)是一个调香师,她喜欢在食堂诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,尤其是和初恋学长的往事。面对这段遗憾的青春,小美也在食客们的帮助下逐渐释怀。 “老牌绅士”的钟伯与菜场的海鲜老板莲婶(金燕玲饰)最终相依为伴。莲婶的儿子开源(杨祐宁饰)为人老实憨厚,在食堂偶遇了带女儿来吃糖藕的单亲妈妈明月(刘涛饰),爱慕就此在心中萌芽。而“海漂女孩”小雪(焦俊艳饰)的出现,也让阿信终于等到了音乐路上的知音。大叔随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远,大叔还会在食堂里继续倾听大家的故事