Life has settled down into a calm state for Shido- or at least as calm as he can be when he's juggling the romantic interests of a half-dozen sealed Spirits and one aggressive classmate.Another spatial quake warning sends him out to a ruined amusement park to meet the newest Spirit, the green-haired Natsume, who dresses like a witch and uses magical powers to render AST attackers comically ineffective. Although things go well at first, he inadvertently offends her, and her retribution comes by pretending to be him and trying to ruin his reputation at school. When that effort ultimately gets thwarted by Origami and Tohka, she resorts to a much
more involved plan that could result in one of the people around him disappearing.
Akhirnya, hidup Shido menjadi tenang selepas menjugel romantik dengan Roh-Roh meterai. Namun, satu gempa ruangan telah menghantar dia ke taman hiburan terbiar dan temui Roh baru, Natsume yang berambut hijau di situ.Walaupun segala berjalan lancar pada asalnya, tapi Shido menyinggung perasaan Natsume secara tidak sengaja,maka sikap Natsume terhadap Shido berubah. pia cuba merosakkan reputasi Shido di sekolah serta menimbul banyak masalah bagi Shido..