STORY : It's a tragic case of history repeating as two cases twenty years apart find their connec.....
STORY : Tung lives illegally in Hong Kong's 'Ladies Market' after having been taken in as a young.....
STORY : The film follows Guan Ning, who has been searching for his lost daughter, who he believes.....
STORY : 和睦的四口之家,住進了一位陌生客人,並在同一屋檐下生活多年。隨着記憶之門再次開啓,往事重新浮現,一件件“怪事”也隨之而來,原本和諧的家庭從此不再平靜 A story that .....
STORY : Set in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, the film follows four Chinese Communist Pa.....
STORY : 頂級“殺手”周全(劉德華飾)和落寞羣演陳小萌(肖央飾),在澡堂中因為一塊肥皂,意外地交換了身份。周全失憶後,過上陳小萌的生活,並結識新媒體主管李想(萬茜飾);陳小萌則鳩佔鵲巢,無.....
STORY : 阿佳 (陈家乐 饰) 与可怡 (卫诗雅 饰) 在一个婚礼上相识,两人一拍即合,相爱五年,终于迎来最大的感情危机-“结婚”!女方视结婚为爱的证明;男方视结婚为爱的坟墓,二人在这议题.....
STORY : Luo Wu Zi helped Li Si Xiu to build the mound of Qin Shi Huang; the first emperor who uni.....
STORY : Chou Tin Yan has the ability to predict the next second since he was a child, and met Yip.....
STORY : 陈浩南(郑伊健饰)、山鸡(陈小春饰)、巢皮等人从少年时代起就是好友。他们无心读书,一心向往江湖生活。终于有江湖人士大佬B收纳为徒,开始闯荡江湖。陈浩南在一次黑帮仇杀中大展拳脚,杀.....
STORY : The impoverished scholar Wang Zijin (Chen Linong) went to Beijing to take the exam and wa.....
STORY : Ah Ni (starring CHAN Kwok Kwan), 12-year-old boy, has to take care of his blinded dad (st.....
STORY : 章在山 ( 刘德华饰 ) 是洪继鹏 ( 姜武饰 ) 犯罪集团内善于制作炸弹的卧底警察,一次包括在山、继鹏和其胞弟洪继标 ( 王紫逸饰 ) 在内的六名成员在夜间乘坐两辆车持枪抢劫香.....
STORY : 黑帮“福和”的丁卓飞(谢天华饰)与反黑队督察段一凡(周柏豪饰)是双方安插对方阵营的卧底。 丁卓飞在“福和”做了十年卧底,为了掩饰真实身份,他比别人更加心狠手辣,亦因此渐渐接近核心.....
STORY : Form 4 student Fung Sun-hei of a Band 3 secondary school is a well known typical neet who.....
STORY : 故事由女子Yanny(蔡卓妍 饰)为了逃避自己在香港的失败恋情,前往美国探望多年不见的好友Ling(郑秀文 饰)展开。Ling与丈夫Tang(佟大为 饰)在圣荷西过着仿佛宁静无忧.....
STORY : 香港励志中学是一所融合南亚裔学生、内地新移民学生、本地差生的国际学校。老师ParkSir(孙耀威 饰)和Miss Law(叶芷如 饰)对其中表现最差又最不团结的6E班倾注心血,深.....
STORY : 阿索,天生樂觀的中女一名,以當巴士司機為夢想職業。本來與男友程志高拍拖七年已到談婚論嫁的時候, 卻發現他在內地竟有小三,唯一的戀情最終泡湯。一年後,收到志高喜帖的阿索決定出席婚宴.....
STORY : Through a car accident, Zhang Xiao traveled back in time into a body of one of her previo.....
STORY : 吴白(胡一天饰)凭借不懈努力与过人的天赋,成为全国机器人大赛中年纪最轻,实力最强的一匹黑马。他组建团队参赛,终于在中国总决赛中,与他的机器人大赛启蒙人艾情(李一桐饰)同台竞技。此.....
STORY : It follows the Qin State during the late stages of the Warring States era. Ying Zheng, Lu.....
STORY : 韩商言和软萌学霸佟年偶然相遇,阳光单纯的佟年对韩商言一见钟情,并随着接触机会的增多,佟年被韩商言对梦想的执着、对团队年轻人的责任感深深吸引。韩商言因为心怀梦想要带领团队为中国取得.....
STORY : A young woman born of Eight Banners' family marries the Emperor. After surviving through .....
STORY : As Si Tu Mo's (Xing Fei) graduation nears, she is unsure about her future plans. Although.....