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STORY : Shohoku's "speedster" and point guard, Ryouta Miyagi, always plays with brains and lightn.....
STORY : A young priestess has formed her first adventuring party, but almost immediately they fin.....
STORY : Rumor has it that, in a certain guild in the middle of nowhere, there is an extraordinary.....
STORY : 稍微有点工作狂的20几岁的职员•圣,在加班回家的一个夜里突然被光芒包围,被召唤到了异世界成了“圣女”。而且同时被召唤的还是两个人。王子却只搭理另一位女高中生,对圣完全无视。“既然.....
STORY : Sei, an office worker in her twenties, was suddenly summoned to another world as a "Saint.....
STORY : 虫奈落篇 曾经,生活在名为“地球”上的人类,面临着毁灭的命运——巨大的怪物“虫奈落”毫无慈悲地践踏蹂躏着人类。 这时,5名英雄与昆虫型机械生命体“修之神”挺身而出,合体!“君.....
STORY : Yoshikazu Miyano's troubles first start one hot summer day when Shuumei Sasaki steps into.....
STORY : When the heroine regains consciousness in an unfamiliar place, she has suddenly lost all .....
STORY : Shinichi Izumi seorang murid sekolah tinggi biasa yang tangan kanan terjangkit oleh paras.....
STORY : A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchan.....
STORY : It's a showdown for the ages as the legendary hero takes on the corpse god necromancer, b.....
STORY : Set between the events of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, the series takes place in .....
STORY : Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by giants. Giants are typicall.....
STORY : The year is 1991 and 6th grader Yaguchi Haruo only has video games to live for. He's not .....
STORY : 24歲的男主角社畜「天道輝」進入公司已經第三年了,每天都因為黑心企業的折磨而身心俱疲。他雖然對嚮往的經理鳳小姐懷抱情愫,但戀情始終無法有結果,每天都過著充滿絕望的日子。 某一天.....
STORY : An unappealing otaku awakens in the body of a pig after he passes out while eating raw pi.....
STORY : The heavens shake, the thunder rumbles, and Xie Lian appears with an apologetic smile—aga.....
STORY : 半月关之事告一段落,谢怜受神武大帝君吾的传唤回天庭述职,却意外得知有神官在鬼市附近施法求救。而鬼市如今的主人“血雨探花”花城,正是七日前突然辞别的红衣少年三郎。此事疑点重重,谢怜.....
STORY : 安史之乱后数年,吐蕃大军入侵西南,大唐节度使高适交战不利,长安岌岌可危,困守孤城的高适向监军太监回忆起自己与李白的一生往事。在高适的回忆中,他曾三回梁园,三上黄鹤楼,三入长安,两.....
STORY : Ten years ago, at the peak of the VRMMO development industry, a game titled "Kiwame Quest.....
STORY : At Grace Field House, life couldn't be better for the orphans! Though they have no parent.....
STORY : 穆露奈依特帝国的名门贵族加德斯布拉德家族的千金缇拉鞠•加德斯布拉德。明明是吸血鬼却因为“不能喝血”而无法成长饱受不能使用魔法、不能运动、不能长高的三重痛苦,备受烦恼,因此过了三年.....
STORY : Osamu and Youko Sonoyama want more than anything to adopt every child from Soramame House.....
STORY : In a world where demons feed on unsuspecting humans, fragments of the legendary and feare.....